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Craft Beer Guy Logo - Illustration of a man on a motorcycle and a mug of beer in background

Craft Beer Guy

I have been a client of MojoHost since 2005, beginning with MojoHost being one of the four or five webhosting companies the company I was Director of Business Development of utilized.

We had dozens of web servers spread across multiple webhosts, with at least two dozen of these servers being hosted with MojoHost. This included many dedicated servers as well as at least a half dozen that we set up as shared servers that we hosted for others. Currently, I am a solo operator and currently have shared hosting with MojoHost, hosting maybe 10 websites.

The point of the backstory is to stress that at one point we were spending thousands of dollars every month with MojoHost, and today I am spending the equivalent of a couple Starbuck’s venti lattes per month. While someone that is spending thousands of dollars every month might feel entitled to receive top-tier support, which MojoHost always delivered, today I am an average Joe and the level of support I currently receive has not changed one iota.

When reselling servers like we were, there are multiple fingers getting involved, with varying levels of expertise; in other words, there is plenty of opportunity for someone to screw something up. It really helps to have support at the level MojoHost provides.

While I have fewer reasons to contact support these days, since mine are the only fingers getting involved, I still have occasion to reach out to MojoHost support, usually due to my screw-up or my failing to update a script or something. It does not matter if I reach out to them at 9:00 AM or 1:00 AM; MojoHost is always quick to respond with a solution or a suggestion. When I ventured out as a solo webmaster, it was not a hard decision when it came to deciding which of the webhosting companies I would utilize for my personal websites. It is for this reason that I highly recommend MojoHost for all your webhosting needs.

– Lloyd “baddog” Brown

Juicy Ads

MojoHost earned our business many years ago, and continue to do so every day. As one of the world’s leading advertising networks, we operate between multiple data centers and often have challenging technical problems to solve and MojoHost doesn’t let us down. What makes them unbeatable for us is when you have a problem, you have a team to talk to and someone to call who is on your side. You can’t do that with the big expensive cloud providers.

– Jay K.

Queer Click

It’s been a year, or thereabouts, since we moved over to MojoHost and I wanted to take a moment to message you with a huge Thank You.

We fell victim to that DMCA attack and summarily lost our hosting overnight, despite being able to prove that it was fraudulent. It turned out our hosting company had already been dragged over the coals for ignoring valid DMCA and had set a zero tolerance policy. Losing our network overnight was disastrous for a company like ours. It was only by luck that we had a recent back-up because of something else that we were working on – the company would not even allow us access to preserve our content.

Then we moved to Hostkey in an emergency move, based on the word of a co-worker of mine. The following months/year was a running disaster with no support, no English or German speaking support and constant problems, outages.

Moving to MojoHost has been heaven.

The service, knowledge, help, support are beyond expectations. The change for our company is incredible and no longer being required to support our servers 24/7 has allowed us to invest time and money into new projects and ideas.

So often, companies only hear from their clients when all hell breaks loose. So here is a message of thanks to you, your team and this great company. From the moment we started working with your team, a massive weight was lifted from our shoulders. We breathed a collective sigh of relief and thanks.

– Mary & the QC Team

Zuzana Designs

I’ve said this before and I will say it again and again and again…. One of the best business decisions I have ever made is switching to MojoHost. It’s like adding another programmer to your staff. If I start a ticket about anything, I get an answer in minutes, 365 days a year (366 on a leap year.) You may think you have a reliable and secure host but nothing compares to the level of support and service you get with Mojo. If I ever have another baby I will probably name it Mojo if it’s a girl and Brad if it’s a boy!

– Sarah

Mechanic Virus

Mojohost gets the praise it gets because it’s well deserved. I’ve been doing this stuff for 13 years and been through I believe 7 hosting companies. So far I’ve been with Mojo for 4 years and seriously, the downtime I’ve had in 4 years has been about 3 hours TOTAL. That’s impressive.

It’s also incredible how knowledgeable their team is, and can work through pretty much any issue. Whether it’s a WordPress function issue or a KVS install, they get it done and are always around to help out.

– Steven W.

OC Cash

As one of the world’s largest advertising networks, we use a lot of bandwidth. We made the choice to switch to MojoCDN and the MojoHost team delivered, and delivered big for JuicyAds.  They helped save us an enormous amount of money with no loss in service quality.

– Dan Hogue


We have been very happy with our move to Mojo about 2 years ago now. Brad is always available if you have some concerns or questions, and always lands on the customer’s side on anything.

– Axeman

DMCA Force

I’ve tried several hosting Companies since 1997 but none of them come close. I just wish they were around back then.

– Ryu Lion


Sitting in Colombia while we were getting set up with Mojo and my tech director Neil sends me a long email on some issues we were having, I cc’d it back via Brad and told Neil that it would probably be a couple of days as Brad was actually sitting on the other side of the same hotel bar enjoying a cocktail.

10 mins later there was a long assed email from Brad with the fixes and the direction for us to go in. He’d sat at the bar typing it.

– Steven Grooby

Leggy Cash

I think we have been with Mojo and have known Brad for about 15 years or so. Mojo has helped us out immensely and Brad really looks after his clients. Kinda like the old insurance company jingle… You are in good hands with Mojo.

– Nylon Angie

Dirty Fun People

Building my new site with Mojo and very impressed by their help and support.

– Paul Jones

Office Tales Inc.

As a frame of reference I will turn 70 in January. I am definitely not a “tech person” and quite naive regarding the Internet. I built my website in 1998 from the book “Websites For Dummies” as I had no experience with website creation or Internet Providers.

Over the years I’ve bounced between credit card processors and IPs due to the adult content offered on my site. Just when it seemed like everything was working fine with no worries, content policies would change and, just like that, I would be searching for another processor and/or IP. It was frustrating and I learned that Tech Support varied in quality with each IP.

Fortunately, a friend introduced me to Brad Mitchell and MojoHost. In my 20 years operating my website I have never experienced better service. Everyone in Tech Support has been there for me, even at 3am in the morning, to solve my problems.

I must be the least knowledgeable client on the MojoHost list when it comes to tech problems. The Support Techs have consistently taken the time to explain “what happened and why” whenever I’ve experienced a problem. They have never made me feel stupid. I do that all on my own.

If you are reading this and are looking for dependable, friendly, professional and speedy service you will be ecstatic working with MojoHost. Brad Mitchell has assembled an A+ group of Techs and he has been most helpful advising me in keeping my costs low.

Contrary to what my customers believe I am not Scrooge McDuck sitting on a mountain of money. Far from it. I am always looking for ways to cut costs and Brad understands this. In the few times I’ve needed his direction when making an IP related decision Brad has been there for me. He, like his Techs, is another A+ component who understands that LOPACS (Little Old Piss Ant Companies) like me desire dependable service.

Choosing MojoHost as your Internet Provider will be the BEST decision you will make this year.

– Michael M.

Buoyancy Digital

After 20 years in the internet services business, it is a truly rare gem to find a web host that always exceeds expectations on the service side, year after year. We have been a happy MojoHost client for almost a decade and have never had an issue that wasn’t resolved smoothly and professionally by Brad’s technical staff. This team clearly understands how best to support and even communicate with its clients, whether online or via old school phone calls. It is fair to say that MojoHost sets the standard not only for adult industry web hosting, but for professional services overall, across all industry segments.

– Scott R.

Midnight Carnival

I’ve been with MojoHost for ten years and while I may not be their biggest client, I’m certainly treated that way. All of my tickets are responded to promptly. Whenever I’ve needed Brad, he has always been there. He and his staff go above and beyond to make sure I am satisfied and they spend as much time as I need taking care of my needs. I am not the most technically savvy site owner and many times I have questions or issues that are certainly not their responsibility. But never have they said, “This is not our responsibility”. Instead, they take care of it and take the time to explain things to me so that I can better understand some of the more technical aspects of running a website. As a niche site owner with limited knowledge, I am so happy I found MojoHost. I’m not sure any other company would treat me with the time and respect that they do.

– Robert S.

Sator Studio

Mojohost has been our hosting company for many many years. The few occasions when we had to work on some project on a different hosting, we always ended up regretting it. Any time we got back to them, we felt back home and cozy and safe. Mojohost has the best team ever – they don’t just host you: they take care of you.

– David B.

Leilani L

I have been producing content for almost 6 years. I started from the ground up with no knowledge of anything but the enthusiasm to give it a try. I learned as I went. A friend gave me space on his server for a nominal fee. I used Dreamweaver to build the most simplistic site. The response was good. I tried a CMS Store front to sell my videos. Very clunky, expensive as hell to customize but again a good response from customers.

I upgraded to an economical CMS solution for my membership site and a fabulous CMS store front, SquirrelCart, to sell videos. The economical CMS solution for my membership site started out great but quickly became a nightmare creating way too much stress for me. Customer service was severely lacking and they had complete control of everything.

I went searching again. I found ElevatedX and couldn’t be happier. They thankfully recommended MojoHost.

I am so grateful for your team. Y’all have gone above and beyond my expectations for customer service. Sometimes I ask for advice about an issue because I don’t know who else to ask. You point me in the right direction (ElevatedX or Developer/Programmer) but most times just take care of the issue. MojoHost consistently amazes me. I have a friend who will soon be using ElevatedX and MojoHost. He asked about using a different hosting company other than y’all. I told him he would not find another hosting company as great as MojoHost. He would be doing himself a HUGE disservice if he did not use MojoHost. I raved about you so much that he will be using your service too. I constantly recommend MojoHost. I feel like I have finally arrived at the best place I can be. I can concentrate on all the other aspects of running my business knowing my sites are being handled by the best.

It has been an absolute pleasure being your customer.

– Leilani L.

Acella Financial

Brad Mitchell, the owner of Mojohost, is a knowledgeable, experienced, warm, and helpful person. His personality is reflected throughout the culture of his company. I have found every Mojohost employee to be wonderfully responsive, conscientious, and good at what they do. Any issues that occur are dealt with immediately, professionally, and with a cheerful, friendly manner. I would highly recommend this company to anyone, from Fortune 100 to a Mom ‘n Pop startup. You will find cutting edge technology, excellent functionality, and outstanding customer service.

– Mike S.

James Deen Cash

MojoHost has always gone above and beyond to ensure that we receive not only the best servers, but technical support as well. As our company has grown Mojo has been right there with us making sure our servers can keep up and our content is delivered the way we need it. MojoHost is attentive, expandable, helpful, and just generally great to work with. We love Mojo and are incredibly appreciative of the hard work they do to keep us running smoothly.

– James D.

Jake Cruise Media

For 10 years I managed my own linux servers which were co-located at various hosting companies. Five and a half years ago one of my servers was hacked and compromised. It appeared that the support ticket system that was installed allowed MySQL injections. My sites were filled with malware. I tried to get help from the hosting company, but I soon found I was on my own. A friend suggested MojoHost and after getting a quote from Brad Mitchell, I was pleasantly surprised at how much money I was going to save. I transferred my site to their servers. At first, it was odd not managing my own servers, but a simple phone call or ticket to their support team resulted in quick action. I have never received such a high level of quality technical support. MojoHost allowed me to focus on my business and not worry about my servers. They were a godsend for me. I cannot recommend MojoHost enough. Great hosting and bandwidth, fantastic technical support, and at a very reasonable cost.

– Jake C.

Leila O

My company was one of MojoHost’s first customers and in the 10+ years I have been with them the service and attention only get better. In the rare times there was an issue Brad, Corey and the rest of the MojoHost team were right there with a quick solution resulting in no downtime. If you need hosting… you need MojoHost!

– Leila O.

Social Hulk

We are in the online business over 20 years now and focus on adult entertainment marketing for the last 12. We had lots of different server solutions and for performance and monetary optimization we tested 2 “new” hosting companies every year. I heard a lot of good things about Mojo Host so I decided its “their” turn to be tested. From the first minute Brad (who I knew from many tradeshows before, but never made business with) made me feel like I came home to family. He analyzed our “is” situation, suggested a package, took care of the moving process. There were small issues and problems which his team solved in an extremely professional manner.

The “test” server was running smooth and did what it should and Brad made us a very competitive price – so we decided to move all our business to Mojo Host. That was a rather big move which needed to be organized and executed in perfection cause we had a couple of projects were every hour offline would cost us money. Again: there were some bumps on the way which all were handled and solved fast and professional.

Than one of the biggest challenges in our company history stroked us. We have had a small security hole with our old hoster and this was used back then, to infect our servers. We had them cleaned and thought we are good – after a couple of month with Brad unfortunately the hackers were back and this time they were big. Malware and Scam in almost every directory: backdoors, self-installing files – the whole toolbox of hackers. Mojo Host and we detected it immediately at the same time and what followed was one of the best experiences in my life: Brads and our team worked hand in hand to protect our data, clean our servers, close all security holes, kept the servers operational, secure them for future attacks: it all took weeks and a lot of hours. In the whole time on the stunning Platinum support they never asked for extra money, they never complained – they were just helping and it again felt like I would be a family member.

Today we host everything we have with Mojo and they are one important reason we constantly grow. And we stopped “testing” new hosting companies. We are “home” now and we hope we will be for many years to come.

– Daniel S.


We have hosted all of our pay and free sites, and affiliate program at MojoHost since 2008 and could not be happier!

Their technology is solid, tech support simply tremendous, security is tight, and the rates are very reasonable for the level of enterprise service provided us. I highly endorse MojoHost. Having been online since 1994, I have seen just about everything and you can’t go wrong with hosting with them!

– Colin R.


Our industry is a small family of business people. And this is exemplified in the way the MojoHost team and its founder, Brad Mitchell, do business. Web hosting is a complex feat of engineering and personality management. Somehow, Brad and his team do it with grace, a unique style, and hyper professionalism. The team is very well trained to find and fix problems, and even if they are not the responsibility of the company, they offer advice and assistance in resolution. To top it off, Brad has always made it clear, that if we were ever in need a call to him directly at home would is okay, and that he would work on a resolution. But you know, his team are dedicated, communicate well with each other and so far I have never needed to wake Brad up in the middle of the night with a website emergency 😉

– Morgan S.

Trending Views

Set it and forget it. The support staff is impeccable. MojoHost keeps you up! You guys are really doing a great job!

– Frank B.


Client for over 10 years! MojoHost has always taken care of us! Brad Mitchell is not only a fantastic dancer but he runs a hell of a hosting company!

– Mark H.

Green Guy

It wasn’t by choice that I started using Mojo back in 2013 when they acquired the hosting company that I’d been happily using for the last few years. And, to be completely honest, the 1st 3 or so years were really uneventful. Aside from some basic stuff (setting up domains, emails, FTP access, etc.) I can’t remember having to contact support for any problems whatsoever. Then came the server move in Jan 2017 and my introduction to Jerry…

Let me 1st say that I am FAR from tech savvy. Sure, I can hand code basic HTML based on 1997 standards like nobody’s business, and I can still WYSIWYG with the best of’em, but you give me access to script or database files and I can fuck shit up like nobody else. When I screw up, it’s fucking biblical. Let me also say that the script that runs my sites is OLD – it’s from 2001 and not only am I the only webmaster that I know of that still uses it, the person that wrote it had been MIA for about 10 years. I was scared shitless to move to a new server, so I asked Jerry if we could move just 1 domain over that was using the script to test it. So he did and it was nothing but Internal Server Errors 🙁 I then asked him if he could look at it and see if it was something simple and of course, it wasn’t. I honestly don’t even remember asking him if he could fix it, because it’s not his fucking job to fix my old unsupported script. Over the next few days, Jerry bent over backwards repairing a script that he’d probably never seen before so that it would run on the new machine and when he finally got it working, I was as happy as a fat kid in a candy store! He then moved the other domains over and one by one, fixed them all. Hell, he even fixed my circa 2009 vBulletin message board! I fully expected to see, at the very least, a couple $100 added to my next monthly invoice. I was not charged a fucking dime. This man, who I’d probably never communicated with before the server move, basically saved my websites & my company.

Since then, it’s been smooth sailing. I submit a ticket and they get back to me 15-30 minutes later to tell me it’s done. But because of how Jerry handled that server move, you couldn’t drive a dump truck full of cash up to my house to entice me away from Mojo. I’m here until 1 of 2 things happens: I die or the hamster does 🙂

Thank you Mojo. Thank you Brad. And, because I can’t fucking say it enough, THANK YOU JERRY!

– Mark J.

Engine Food

I have referred a number of clients to hosting companies or arranged significant cost savings for my clients by improving their hosting deals. MojoHost has been exceptionally helpful in many of those deals and the feedback from my clients has always been very positive. You can take my word for it, and the word of several of my clients who are now very happy MojoHost clients as well.

– Stewart T.
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